Authentic Italian Frittata with Zucchini
6-8 eggs, beaten
3 tablespoons of milk
1-2 tablespoon parmesan cheese
salt and pepper for seasoning
6 tablespoons of Extra-virgin olive oil
2 zucchini cut into thin rounds
Basil or mint to sprinkle on top
Press play to watch Silvia make the recipe
Heat up 3 tablespoons of oil in a medium , non-stick pan. Add the zucchini and cook over medium heat for 3-4 minutes with a pinch of salt until the zucchini is slightly browned. Taste for salt and adjust accordingly and set aside in onto a plate.
In a bowl add 6-8 eggs, salt, pepper and whisk.
Wipe off the pan, then put it back onto the stove over high heat. Then add some parmesan cheese and milk and whisk.
Add the remaining oil to the pan, swirl it around to cover the base and sides, then pour in the egg mixture all at once and swirl to cover the base of the pan. As it starts setting, move it slightly with a spatula to allow the liquid mixture to get in contact with the base of the pan. When it looks like it’s 3/4 set, arrange the cooked zucchini on top, then cover with a lid for 10-20 seconds, then place a lid onto your pan that is slightly and flip the fritter onto it, slide it back onto the to the pan. Cook for 30 seconds the turn off the heat and slide onto a plate to cool slightly.
Top with basil and mint just before serving. It can be enjoyed hot, warm or even fridge cold the next day. Cut into squares or wedges to serve as an antipasto.